Song A Day For A Year is born! Or at least it will be on 1st January 2011.
For an entire year, I am going to create an original piece of music everyday. I will write, record, mix and complete each piece within a 24 hour period. That's 365 unique songs by the end of December 31st 2011!
The only rules are:
- The 24 period per song can only be between 00:00 and 23:59.
- The piece of music can be any length (so jingles and short music motifs are OK, provided they are complete and not just "the beginnings of bigger songs")
- The music can be in any style / genre of music.
- Other people can collaborate on a piece, but it has to be completely original and not a reworking of previous song ideas / re-hashing of old riffs.
- No covers. No remixes.
That's about all I can think of right now.
I have just designed a "BANNER" / LOGO for this project... What do you think:
I love that the acronym for this is SADFAY. I immediately thought of this image of a clown looking sad. I suppose a fairly camp guy looking sad would have made slightly more sense, but I think you get the idea.
Don't give up my day job then?
It's a good thing it's not "Design A Logo A Day" you say?
Ah well...
More on this soon!