Saturday 31 December 2011

31.12.11 - DAY 365 - Keeping It Free Range

Listen (and/or download for free) now on Bandcamp 

So here we are. The last song of the Song A Day For A Year project. I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who collaborated on the project over 2011 and anyone who came along to the Black Box gig last night. It's been a pretty fucking awesome year to be honest. I can't possibly summarise in words all the amazing creative experiences I've had and how much doing this project has enriched my creative abilities and general sense of wellbeing, but like, yea, ummm... it has! One nice thing is that I can listen to any song of this project and it will immediately transport me back to that day and where I was and what I was doing: Just like a really abstract audio diary. I'd hate to lose my memory and forget what I was doing 15 minutes ago, like Leonard in Memento. That movie was really cool! I've seen it about 20 times. How cool is Guy Pearce? "I guess I'm chasing this guy... No, wait, he's chasing me" Class. Wait, what was I talking about before? (ho ho ho)

Aye, I'm babbling. Anyway. This track basically represents the apprehension I had at doing something DRAMATIC AND EPIC AND OH MY GAWD! THANKS EVERYBODY!! HEY LET'S CELEBRATE MY AWESOMENESSNESSNESS... Because I pretty much did all of that last night at the Black Box gig. .... However, this track does contain a large portion of the jam we had at the gig last night (after midnight) which was recorded by the splendid Michael Sampson. The recording was made at the venue, specifically to be used in today's song, so that everyone at the gig could contribute to the very last song of the project. As far as I'm concerned, this worked out really well. There were 14 people on stage and about 70 people in the audience.

I am weary of listing you all, because I know that I'll end up leaving someone out and I'll never be able to forgive myself, but I'll try via the medium of Adam Mc Causland's rather lovely photo of us all on stage

Stephen Caswell, Michael Sampson, Stevie Mac, Geoff Hatt, Dave Boden, Dominic O'Neill, Chris Allen, Niall Kelly, Tony Furnell, ARGH Sorry, don't know your name, but you're a friend of Dan Leith's, Dan Leith, Ursula Burns, Meeeeeeeeee, Owen Boden, Steve Mc Cann.

Stevie Mac made the simple and clever suggestion that we all picked a note and played it together: That way it wouldn't just end up a cacophonous mess! Towards the end, I encouraged the audience to participate too, so you're all in the recording also!

Right now, I'm sipping a glass of wine, picking at a wholesomely greasy chicken breast and gravy chips.  In about 5 minutes I'm gonna go downstairs and watch a movie with my boyfriend and probably ignore the midnight countdown, because I don't really give a fuck. HA!

However. I wish you all the best in 2012 and once again, a massive thanks to you all for listening, being involved or taking an interest in this project.

Until next time!! :)


Cheers ^_^

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