Wednesday 20 July 2011

20.07.11 - DAY 201 - Several Million Volts

Listen (and/or buy) now on Bandcamp

It's strange but yesterday's track was much like one I did around 1998, while today's track is something similar to a track I put on the first Doctor Lilt album, around 2002. It was totally unintentional. Maybe some subconscious spewing out of memories is at play. It could be related to where I was at creatively back then: Things were exciting, I felt I was in a good creative flow, learning new things, but having enough knowledge to rely on my songwriting skills, maybe.

Anyway! This is something fairly abstract and gritty. It might not have strong melodic qualities, but there is harmony and pitch in there, eventually. I had loads of fun making this. Again, I spent a lot of time creating sample banks of sounds and seeing how many crazy things I could do with them, before starting to arrange the song.


Cheers ^_^ Registered & Protected

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