Saturday 1 January 2011

SADFAY 01.01.11 - Happy New Year!

So here is my first song for SADFAY, just in the nick of time too! I wanted to make something to celebrate the beginning of the new year, so the piece is an orchestral fanfare. All in all, it probably took me just over 4 hours to make this, using my laptop, Reason and Ableton Live. Annoyingly I made it at home, so I didn't have a midi keyboard or monitors - just a mouse to enter in all the notes in the piano roll and headphones to listen back to it all.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

Cheers. ^_^ Registered & Protected


  1. Taadaaaa!
    Gotta love the orchester bank refill!

    Would it be better to set up a soundcloud page for all this stuff so you could stream it from the blog instead of downloading everything?

    probs extra hassle for you though and its not like this isnt time consuming already

  2. Yes! That refill is pretty nice, though I reckon there are better ways to get a convincing sounding orchestra. I love the trumpets though!
