Wednesday 12 October 2011

12.10.11 - DAY 285 - Insert Pretentious Coded Words & Numbers

Listen (and/or buy) now on Bandcamp

So before starting this song I had a little lie down for 10 minutes and closed my eyes. I thought about all the 29 ideas flying through my head. I tried to clear my mind of all the ranting and heavy thinking in the last 24 hours.

In the end I liked "small sounds" the most: Something that we had talked about a little, today in QUBe (an ensemble for improvisation that I'm playing in). So this track is exploring short, little, quiet sounds and what fun ways I can create these little ticks and snaps in the tools I have. To me, it feels like it's referencing Autechre (again), but hopefully it's not too derivative. And if it is... Well fuck it. It was a happy accident! I didn't intend for it to be like them. Maybe anything to do with little, electronic sounds will always have some sort of nod to the Godfathers of progressive electronica. That's fine with me. Anyway, quite pleased with how this one progresses and I am fairly comfortable with how I got through this: i.e. I felt the creative process was 'pure', I didn't contrive anything with other people in mind, as far as I'm aware (who knows how the subconscious pours it's influence into things).

Insert Pretentious Coded Words And Numbers, is definitely a bit of a dig against Autechre and all those electronic artists and bands who choose 'meaningless' (or coded) letters and numbers as song titles. I don't really have a problem with it, other than how impractical it is. "Hey, have you heard that new Aphex track, ummm... Squidgy Bok Doken Key???" "Huh?" "Err... track 4 on that new EP" "Oh right, yea, that's hot shit!"


Cheers ^_^ Registered & Protected

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