Wednesday 26 October 2011

The iDig Your Blog Award

Well, this is all very flattering indeed.

James Gracey of Behind The Couch fame has just nominated my blog for the iDig Your Blog Award.

So I am told that I am to spread on the good love and nominate 5 other blogs for which I believe are 'dig' worthy.

Not an easy task, as I don't follow many blogs, though the one's I do are definitely worth your time, so here is my selection:

Basically, just a blog documenting the several months of travelling the globe that two friends from London are currently doing. It's better than that sounds though, as they have a keen eye for a good snap, they know some very interesting places and they're men of exquisite taste, so I am enjoying checking this out when I get a chance!

Manuel T. Walter, the mysterious waiter writes about, 'the psychotic tendencies of chefs, the petty foibles and rudeness of restaurant diners and the heroic undertakings of those magnificent bastards, the Waiters.'

The blog of Barry Cullen, possibly the most talented, tasteful, knowledgable and inspiring musician and sound creator I know. Barry's based in Belfast, N.I and occasionally runs workshops teaching people how to 'circuit bend' electronic equipment and how to build their own sound boxes and instruments. When he's not teaching, he occasionally performs improvised soundtracks for obscure black and white films. He has also written and produced quite a bit of music under the name B.E.W (Barry's Electric Workshop), some of which is available on Acroplane Records.

This blog is actually no longer running, but it doesn't really matter. It is a collection of an amazingly mind boggling events and the tenuous relationship between the author and his (now ex-)boss. There are many side-splitting and torturous moments among the pages from the mysterious "Silent Koala". WARNING: Read from the start, otherwise you'll spoil it for yourself!

This is tEH funniez blog, by a girl called Allie. It's a collection of very amusing comic strips and illustrated stories, looking at everyday situations and events with an eye cocked to the madness of it all. The artwork has a lovely twisted innocence to it and I do LOL at the blog entries regularly.

So, if any of you 5 bloggers above find this all very nice and flattering and want to keep this thing going, here are ze rules:

1. Gratefully accept this award.
2. Link to the person you received it from.
3. Post 3 interesting facts about yourself.
4. Pass this award around to at least 5 blogs you dig.
5. Notify them.

hmmm 3 interesting facts... hmmm 3 interesting facts... hmmm...

OH!!! ... Oh no wait, that's kinda boring...


1. I have a massive beard that is apparently so striking that EVERY ONE has to comment on it when I am out in public. It's wonderful and hilarious and a great and original topic of conversation and not at all tired and redundant at all.

2. This man:

(Jimmy Cricket)

...visited my primary school when I was 7 years old. I never got his autograph.

3. Currently I can barely type because my fingers have frozen due the lack of heat in my house!