Monday 10 October 2011

S.A.D.F.A.Y. - BBC RADIO ULSTER - Across The Line!!

Tonight I will be performing some songs from the S.A.D.F.A.Y back catalogue for your listening pleasure, live on BBC Radio Ulster, for the Across The Line show. The show starts at 8pm and you can tune in via t'interwebs:

I am pretty excited and nervous about this, it should be fun getting to perform the songs and having Rachel Austin, Korny Devenney and Conor Barry on board fills me with confidence! So far this year, I've performed SADFAY songs at a handful of gigs (in Belfast and Derry) but always on my own. I'm curious to hear how these songs translate in the context of "live band" as I've spent this year writing and producing from a studio, mostly by myself.

I will only know when I get to hear the show on the BBC iplayer afterwards!

Hope you all tune in!

If you're as excited as I am and can't wait, here's a recent interview I did on the SADFAY project for All Gone Pop, to tide you over.

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