Saturday 29 October 2011

29.10.11 - DAY 302 - Waiting For Snow

Listen (and/or buy) now on Bandcamp

I've spent about 2 hours this evening, playing piano and tinkling about, so it seemed fitting to make a SADFAY that is entirely piano. In my head I'm hearing all sorts of other counter melodies and instruments and percussion, but I think it's good to restrain myself sometimes: Let the ideas in the song breath instead of piling more things on top. I must say, it was a bit frustrating limiting myself to 'just' piano, with all those other ideas flying around, but I'm pretty pleased with the results.

It's quite sombre. It has a wintery feel about it (hence the title). I was getting genuinely moved as I played and listened, maybe I'm just a big softie or maybe I've captured some nice 'drama' or emotion in this. That's for you to decide, innit?

Also I must confess, I stole the above image from the internet while google searching the word "snow", it seems very fitting on a number of levels, one of them being: sometimes it's a dogs life! But that's even better when you have a dog to share it with... And generally dogs are cool and I love their seemingly endless supply of love and affection.


Cheers ^_^ Registered & Protected

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